Configuring Dell PowerConnect 93
Configuring an Initial HTTPS Password
To configure an initial HTTPS password, enter the following commands:
console(config)#ip https authentication local
NOTE: You should generate a new crypto certificate each time you upgrade (install a new version of) the control
software application on the switch.
Enter the following commands once when configuring to use an HTTPS session over a console, a Telnet,
or an SSH session.
NOTE: In the Web browser enable SSL 2.0 or greater for the page content to appear.
console(config)#crypto certificate 1 generate
console(config-crypto-cert)#country US
console(config-crypto-cert)#email support@broadcom.com
console(config-crypto-cert)#location Morrisville
console(config-crypto-cert)#organization-name NWSoft
console(config-crypto-cert)#organization-unit CustOp
console(config-crypto-cert)#state NC
NOTE: HTTP and HTTPS services require level 15 access and connect directly to the configuration level access.