Error Code Message Information
Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, or
has failed.
Action Review system logs for memory exceptions. reinstall
memory at location <location>
Message Memory redundancy is degraded.
Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, or
has failed.
Action Check the memory configuration. Re-seat the memory
modules. If the issue persists, see Getting Help.
Message Correctable memory error logging disabled for a memory
device at location <location>.
LCD Message SBE log disabled on <location>. Re-seat memory.
Details Errors are being corrected but no longer logged.
Action Review system logs for memory exceptions. reinstall
memory at location <location>.
Message A critical stop occurred during OS load.
Details The system halted due to an exception during operating
system load or operating system initialization.
Action Review operating system logs and system video for
additional information.
Message A runtime critical stop occurred.
Details The system halted due to an exception while the operating
system was running. This is a kernel panic or bug check
Action Review operating system logs and system video for
additional information.
Message A soft shut-down initiated by platform event filter.
Details A separate exception or status condition shutdown the
operating system. (IPMI sensor type 20h - offset 04h).
Action Review system event log for platform events capable of
shutting the system down.