30 SAS 5/iR BIOS
View Virtual Disk
The View Virtual Disk screen allows you to view the current virtual disk configuration.
Press <Alt+N> to view the next virtual disk. See the table above to view descriptions of each
virtual disk property.
Manage Virtual Disk
The Manage Virtual Disk screen is used to manage the current virtual disk. If you select Synchronize
Mirror, Activate Mirror, or Delete Virtual Disk, you are prompted to confirm the choice by pressing
Y for yes or N for no.
RAID Disk Specifies whether the disk is part of a RAID virtual disk (Yes or No). This field is grayed
out under the following conditions:
• The disk does not meet the minimum requirements for use in a RAID virtual disk.
• The disk is not large enough to mirror existing data on the primary physical disk.
• The disk is a part of another virtual disk.
Pred Fail Indicates whether device SMART is predicting device failure
Drive Status The physical disk drive status
: Disk is online and fully functional
: Disk is not detected
: Disk is not accessible or has reported a failure
: Disk is initializing
: Disk is offline for some other reason
: Disk has been set inactive
Not Syncd
: Data on disk is not synchronized with the rest of the virtual disk
: Disk is the primary disk for a 2-disk mirror and is OK
: Disk is the secondary disk for a 2-disk mirror and is OK
Wrg Type
: Device is not compatible for use as part of the RAID virtual disk
Too Small
: Disk is too small to mirror existing data
Max Dsks
: Maximum # of disks allowed for this type of virtual disk reached
Wrg Intfc
: Device interface (SAS/SATA) differs from existing IR disks
Size (MB) The coerced size of the physical disk in MB (1 MB = (1024 x 1024) = 1,048,576 bytes).
NOTE: Disk coercion is used to ensure the disks are the same size. In virtual disks consisting
of different sized physical disks, excess space on larger physical disks is unusable.
Table 5-2. Virtual Disk Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
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