To open the dispenser, turn the cap to the "open" (left)
Pour in rinse -aid into the container is fill (approx . 140 ml) ,
Beingcareful not tooverfill.
and turning it to the closed (right) arrow.
The rinse aid is releasedduring the final rinse to prevent water
fromforming droplets onyour dishes that can leave spots and
streaks.It alsoimprovesdrying performanceby allowing water
to "sheet" off the dishes.
Yourdishwashers are designed to useliquidrinse aids. The
rinse aid dispenser is locatedinside thedoornexttothe
detergent dispenser.
Be careful not to overfill the dispenser,because this could
cause oversudsing. Wipe away any spills with a damp cloth.
Don'tforget toreplace the capbefore you close the dishwasher
If you have soft water, you may not need rinse aid for it may
cause a white film to develop on your dishes.
Follow therinse-aid manufactory'srecommendations
on rinse-aid.
A measuredamount of rinse-aid is released during thefinalrinse.As with detergent, the amount
of rinse-aidneeded for your dishesdepends on the hardness of thewater in your area. Too much
rinse-aid can result in lather of foaming and cause cloudiness or steaks on your dishes. Ifthe
water in your area is very soft, you may not need rinse-aid. If you do,you can dilute the rinse-aid
with anequal amount of water.
The rinse-aid dispenser has six or four settings.Always start with the dispenser set on " 2 ". If
spotsandpoor drying are problems,increase the amount of rinse aid dispensed by removing the
dispenserlid and rotating the dial to "3". If the dishes still are not dryingproperlyorarespotted,
adjust the dial to the next higher number until your dishes are spot-free. Wesuggestyou
to set on "4".(Factoryvalue is"4".)