Chocolate Lover’s Delight
Hot chocolate in Italy and many parts of Europe is thick, almost the
consistency of pudding, and the way to enjoy it is with a small spoon,
one delicious mouthful at a time.
Thick, luscious and velvety hot chocolate can easily be re-created at
home with the PrimaDonna Exclusive Fully Automatic Coffee Machine.
Smooth, creamy and luxurious, hot chocolate is one of human history’s
much-loved indulgences. For many who have visited Italy during the colder
months, cioccolata calda (or hot chocolate) is a favourite Italian treat.
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For best results, De’Longhi recommends using
Cameo’s Ciobar chocolate flavoured drink
mix. Made with premium cocoa to create a
rich and indulgent drinking experience, each
pack contains five sachets (25g each) and is
packaged to ensure ultimate freshness.