2. Place a cup or other container under the milk spout tube.
3. Keepthe“CLEAN”button(g.25)pressed:lights
ash. When the lights stop ashing and the
button: the steam cleans the circuits inside the milk
Program the amount of coee and milk in the cup for
cappuccino or milk
The machine has been set by default to deliver standard amounts
proceed as follows:
1. Place a cup under the coee spouts and the milk spout
2. Press the button relative to the preparation with milk to
be programmed and keep it pressed. After a few seconds,
the machine starts delivering the milk.
3. Once the required quantity of milk has been delivered into
4. Program the amount of coee into the cup as for the
amount of milk.
5. Programmingisconrmedbythe lightsashing for3
The machine is now re-programmed according to the new
amounts of milk and coee.
Preparing the hot water and steam
Scalding hazard!
Donot leavethemachine unattendedwhendeliveringhot
water. The spout heats up during delivery, therefore, only the
black part must be held.
Delivering hot water
1. Checkthehotwaterspoutiscorrectlyattached(g.8).
2. Place a cup under the spout (as near as possible to avoid
3. Press the button(B7):therelativelightashesand
the appliance starts hot water delivery.
4. The machine automatically stops delivery.
Please note!
• Tomanuallyinterruptthehotwaterdelivery,press
button again.
Programming the amount of water automatically
proceed as follows:
1. Place a cup under the water spout.
2. Keep the button pressed.
3. When the hot water in the cup reaches the required level,
release thebutton. Programmingis conrmed by the
lights ashing for three seconds.
The machine is now re-programmed according to the new
Delivering steam
1. Checkthehotwaterspoutiscorrectlyattached(g.8).
2. Fill a container with the liquid to be heated/frothed and
immerse the water/steam spout into the liquid.
3. Press twice the button(B7):therelativelightashes
and the appliance starts steam delivery.
4. When the required temperature is obtained, interrupt
not discharge steam for more than 3 minutes at a time).
Always stop steam delivery before extracting the container
containing the liquid to avoid burns from splashes.
Cleaning the water spout after use
Always clean the spout after use to avoid the build-up of milk
residues and prevent the spout from clogging.
1. Place a container under the cappuccino maker and press
the buttontodeliveralittlewater(g.3).
Stop the ow of water by pressing the button
2. Wait a few minutes for the cappuccino maker to cool
down, then extract the hot water spout.
3. Checktheholeisnotblocked.Ifnecessary,cleanwitha
4. Wash all parts of the cappuccino maker thoroughly with a
sponge and warm water.
5. Reinsertthewaterspout.
• Do notusesolvents,abrasive detergentsor alcoholto
clean the machine.
• Onlythemilkcontainer(D)canbewashedinthedish
washer. No other part of the appliance can be washed in
the dishwasher.
Do notuse metalobjects to remove coee depositsor
fouling as they might scratch the metal or plastic surfaces.
Instructions for use