Deluo Electronics http://www.deluo.com
4.1.3 GLL – Geographic Position – Latitude / Longitude
Output latitude and longitude of current position, time, and status.
Output Rate
Programmable using EverMore Binary Message 0x8E and 0x8F.
Field Name Example Unit Description
1 Message ID $GPGLL GLL protocol header
2 Latitude 2446.5311 ddmm.mmmm
degree, minute & decimal minute
Leading zeros transmitted
3 N/S Hemisphere Indicator N a
N=north or S=south
4 Longitude 12100.1377 dddmm.mmmm
degree, minute & decimal minute
Leading zeros transmitted
5 E/W Hemisphere Indicator E a
E=east or W=west
6 UTC Time 110519.259 hhmmss.sss
hour, minute, sec & decimal sec
000000.000 ~ 235959.999
Leading zeros transmitted
7 Status A A=data valid
V=data invalid
8 Checksum *35