1. How to Remove the Front Panel
(1, Remove the four screyvs, (4 X 12. CBTS-P) in the side of the
top cover. M_ve the top cover to the rear and rise it to
remove it.
(2_ Press the eject knob, open the cassette box and remove the
cassette window as shown in the figure•
Note: Handle the cassette window with care because _t
can be scratched easily.
(3, Remove the three screws (3 × 10 CBTS-P) on top of the
front panel, the two hooks on the top, the three hooks on
the bottom and pull the unit forward to detach it
Top cover
Cassette bax
2 hooks on the top of the front panet
3 hooks on the bottom of the front panel
2. How to Remove the Front Escutcheon Ass'y
(1) Remove the top cover and front panel. (Refer to Step 1 )
(2) Remove the three retaining screws 3 × 10 CBTS-(P)-B
holding the Front Escutcheon at the front.
Disconnect all lead connectors.
C Mechanism W151 (7P) -- CN151
Head wire _ CN301 | Audio
Head wire _ CN302_ circuit
Meter circuit W131 (3P) _ CN131 / board
board 23PFFC -_CB121 I
Remove Volume Knob and Volume Knob (C).
Remove the four retaining screws (2.6 × 6 CBTS(S)-Z) (3
x 10 CBTS(P)-B) holding the Mecha Bracket.
Remove the Hooks at the left and right of the front face of
the Front Esc. Ass'y, and the two hooks on the bottom,
Front Ass'y can be removed towards the front.
MechenJsrn i-etain;ng Screw
\ IBxO)
Mechanism _'_
1 _f Mechc]nism retaining Screw
,." ! _(3x10
Knob C"
Hooks at left and right of Frcnt Esc. Ass'y
3. How to Remove the Mechanisms
Remove the four Mechanism retaining screws 3 × 10 CB'[S(P)-B
and take out C Mechanism
How to Remove the Meter Circuit Board
Remove the top cover and the front panel. (Refer to section
Remove the front esc ass'y (Refer to section 2)
If you remove the five binding screws(3 x 8CBTS.Ptight)
of the meter circuit board, and loosening the five hooks, the
meter circuit board can be taken off.
Note: When replacing the tact switch check to ma<e sure
that d:_s not floating ab3ve the circuit board If it is
floating, the switch will oe in the on condition when
the set is assembled