
142 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
IP-Specific Operations
2. Use the gc_Extension( ) function to request the data. The parameters for this call should be
specified as follows:
target_type should be GCTGT_GCLIB_CRN
target_id should be the actual CRN
ext_id (extension ID) should be set to IPEXTID_GETINFO
parmblkp should point to the GC_PARM_BLK set up in step 1
mode should be set to EV_ASYNC (asynchronous)
3. A GCEV_EXTENSIONCMPLT event is generated in response to the gc_Extension( )
request. The extevtdatap field in the METAEVENT structure for the
GCEV_EXTENSIONCMPLT event is a pointer to an EXTENSIONEVTBLK structure that
contains a GC_PARM_BLK with the requested call-related information.
4. Extract the information from the GC_PARM_BLK associated with the
GCEV_EXTENSIONCMPLT event. In this case, the GC_PARM_BLK contains real data; that
is, the value_size field is not 0, and includes the size of the data following for each parameter
Note: When an application on H.323 is using gc_Extension( ) to extract information from a
GCEV_OFFERED event, the application must ensure that it acknowledges the call within 8
seconds to prevent the offering side from timing out. The timer can be extended by sending
PROCEEDING (by calling gc_CallAck( )) or ALERTING (by calling gc_AcceptCall( )) before
extracting the information.
Table 4 shows the parameters that can be retrieved and when the information should be retrieved.
The table also identifies which information can be retrieved when using H.323 and which
information can be retrieved using SIP. For more information on individual parameters, refer to the
corresponding parameter set reference section in Chapter 9, “IP-Specific Parameters”.