The Bfv API Functions
November 2009 33
Module Status and Monitoring Functions
With the module status and monitoring functions, you can:
Set and get the state of the module by reading the status LED.
Set the module temperature threshold.
Get the temperature of the module.
Have the module perform a series of self tests and, optionally
report the results.
Have the module notify the application of events or conditions on
the module such as a network alarm, network error,
H.100/H.110 clock event, temperature alarm, RTP/RTCP
transport layer events, and the general status of the module.
Debugging, Error Handling, and Return Values
Several Bfv API functions help you debug your application program
and discover/recover from errors.
You can enable debug mode so that the Bfv API prints commands,
data, interrupts, and status messages, or you can set up a function to
be used with Bfv API debug mode that directs output to a file or
filter (see Debugging on page 91).
When you install the Bfv API, you enable recording of the history of
the activity of the driver along with the hardware type, the firmware
version, and the boot ROM version. You can then use functions to
dump the buffer containing the driver’s history for a module and
channel to a file. You can also clear the history buffer for a module
and channel so that it contains information relevant to the current
If you have a RES structure that contains returned error
information from a previous Bfv API call, you can use the
BfvErrorMessage function to create a short and a long error message
in a BTERR structure. Then, you can print either the long or short
message from the structure.
When you start call control using BfvCallCtrlInit, you can enable a
call control log file.