IMG 1010 - Software Installation and Setup
Configuring the Linux User - (excelsw)
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IMG 1004-Installation and Setup Guide > IMG 1004-Software Installation and Setup
1. To create a new user named excelsw follow instructions below.
a. Go to Red Hat Applications Main Menu >> System Settings >> Users and Groups
b. Enter root password excel2 when prompted
c. The User Manager screen will appear. Select to Add User and a screen like below
will appear.
d. Enter User Name: excelsw
e. Enter Password: excelsw (Password must be excelsw to download software)
f. Enter a name in the Full Name Box. Any name can be entered.
g. Verify the rest of the boxes are configured as shown in the screen capture below
h. Click OK
2. From the User Manager screen, assign the user excelsw permissions to use FTP and
a. Select excelsw user and select properties. The Group Properties screen appears.
b. Select Group Users Tab and enable FTP and SSH by checking them.
c. Click OK to exit to the Users screen.
3. Restart VSFTP service.
a. Go to the Main Menu>>System Settings >>Server Settings >> Services.
b. Scroll down to the process vsftpd and check the box.
c. Right click and select ‘Restart’ to restart the service.
d. Exit back to the desktop, saving changes.