960 Sr Owner’s Manual
up to show which row of data is displaying.
• Calories (kcal): Total workout calories.
• Watts (watt): Current workout wattage.
• Speed (mile/hr or km/hr): Current workout speed. It simulates a jogging
• Distance (mile or km): Total workout distance. It simulates a jogging exercise.
• Intensity (level 1-16): Current workout level.
• RPM: Revolutions per minute.
c. Time & Pulse displays
1. In the program setup, Pulse window will light up and display the default Age,
Weight & HR for adjustment. Time display will light up and display the default
Time for adjustment.
2. As soon as the program is executed, it will start displaying Time and Pulse.
• Time (hr: min or min: sec): The remaining of current program time.
• Pulse (bpm): Your current heart rate. If there is no pulse detected, it will
display “ - - - “ instead.
Function Keys
a. Level Up/Down keys:
o During program setup, press “Level Up/Down key” to adjust the following
- age, weight, time & HR setting.
o After program started, press”Level Up/Down key” to adjust the level,
difficulty level or HR setting during exercising.
b. Enter key:
o After program selecting, press “Enter” to accept the program and enter its
setup mode.
o After age, weight, level... adjustment, press “Enter” key to accept your
c. Start key:
o Press “Start” to start a program during program setup.
o Press “Start” key to skip Warm up and enter program executing.
o Press “Start” to re-start a program during Cool Down.
d. Stop/Reset key:
o Press and hold “Stop” button to reset the console.
o Press “Stop” to end program executing and enter Cool Down.
o Press “Stop” to enter workout summary during Cool Down.
Time & Pulse
Function Keys
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