Cortex MetaMax 3X Ambulatory
Mixing Chamber System
The MetaMax 3X is a portable cardiopulmonary exercise
system, combining a dynamic mixing chamber system with
an award winning design.
• Bi-Directional telemetry allowing remote monitoring and
storage of test data whilst sending audio commands.
• Real time audio feedback of test results for the athlete
during testing.
• Superior mixing chamber technology for collection of data
even under extreme testing conditions.
• 8Mb of on-board memory allowing full testing without PC
• Audio commands can be customised and sent direct to
the athlete during testing.
Order codes
COR-140-01-990 MetaMax 3X Metabolic system with DVT
COR-140-01-993 MetaMax 3X Metabolic system with Triple V
Cortex MetaMax 3B Ambulatory
Breath-by-Breath System
Portable cardiopulmonary exercise system using the
clinically proven breath-by-breath technology.
Powerful multi functional tool designed to fit into any
demanding test environment.
• True breath-by-breath/intra-breath measurements.
• Unique shoulder design with unrivalled athlete comfort.
• Easy to expand from a stand alone system to
integrated workstation.
Dimensions 120 x 110 x 45mm
Weight 590g
DVT 0.1 to 12l/s
TripleV 0.05 to 20l/s
Telemetry frequency 433 to 434MHz
Range up to 1000m
Order codes
COR-130-01-990 MetaMax 3B Metabolic system with DVT
COR-130-01-992 MetaMax 3B Metabolic system with Triple V
Cortex MetaMax Options
The MetaMax has a range of options including -
Spirometry, Ergometer/Treadmill control, MultiLyzer Pulse
Oximetry & Blood Pressure, PC based 12 lead ECG System,
Stationary Kit, SmartCart trolley and Calibration Kits.
Order codes
COR-720-09-016 Spirometry Software module
COR-720-09-009 Ergometer/Treadmill Control
for MetaMax
COR-420-01-970 MultiLyzer Base system
COR-420-01-009 MultiLyzer NIBP module
COR-420-01-008 MultiLyzer Pulse Oximeter
(finger sensor)
COR-670-01-004 3 channel monitoring ECG
COR-420-01-980 CardioLyzer Ultra
12 channel ECG system
COR-010-01-994 Calibration Kit basic
COR-010-01-993 Calibration Kit full
COR-130-01-996 MetaMax Stationary Kit