
12-2 Controlling Access to the PortServer TS 8/16 Configura-
Controlling Access to the PortServer TS 8/16 Configuration
PortServer TS 8/16 restricts access to the configuration by defining the following types of users:
The root user, who has unlimited access to PortServer TS 8/16 commands. He or she can view
any configuration table and change any configuration parameter. The root is identified by the
user name root and must supply a password to be authenticated. The default root password is
dbps. You should change this password immediately.
Regular users, who have much more restricted access to PortServer TS 8/16 commands. Regular
users can view some configuration tables and can change some configuration parameters related
to their own sessions and passwords. See the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for
information on the limitations placed on regular users for each command.
Controlling Access to Inbound Ports
This section describes methods of controlling access to inbound serial ports. An inbound port is one
defined on the dev field of the set ports command for one of the following device types:
term (used to define terminal connections)
min (used to define incoming modem connections)
mio (used to define bi-directional modem connections)
hdial, hio (used to define computer connections)
Default Access Restrictions
The default configuration for inbound ports is that a login and password are required to access them.
Options for Removing Access Restriction
The login and password requirement for inbound ports can be changed by configuring
The port so that it does not require a login and password. In this case, no one is required to sup-
ply a login or password.
Specific users so that they do not require a password. In this case, some users do not supply pass-
words, and others are required to.
Procedure for Changing a Port’s Access Requirements
To configure a port so that no one has to login or specify a password, supply a set logins command
that specifies the following:
set logins range=range login=off passwd=off
Example: set logins range=1-2 login=off passwd=off
Procedure for Changing a User’s Access Requirements
To configure a user so that he or she does not have to specify a password when accessing an inbound
port, supply a set user command that specifies the following:
set user name= name password=off
where name is a name to identify the user
Example: set user name=user1 password=off