DCP Configuration
5-233910-A2-GN32-40 September 1998
Table 5-2
(4 of 5)
DTE Dialer Configuration Options
ExtendResltCode: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable Add/EC Add/V42,MNP Use_DTE_Rate
This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer Type is configured for AT.
Extended Result Codes. Informational messages such as VF data rate and Error Control are displayed with
the result codes. (For a list of Extended Result Codes, refer to Table 14-1 in Chapter 14, AT Commands and
H Enable
NO DIALTONE, BUSY, NO ANSWER, and CONNECT xxxx (xxxx = VF data rate) appear along
with result codes listed in Table 14-1 in Chapter 14.
H Disable
Only OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, and ERROR result codes appear.
H Add/EC
Places the EC suffix after the result code text if error control is used. For example, CONNECT
H Add/V.42 or /MNP
Places either the /V.42 or /MNP suffix after the result code text if data compression is used. For
example, CONNECT 9600/V42b.
H Use DTE Rate
Allows the DTE rate to be displayed in the Connect message instead of the line rate. This feature is
required in some modem pooling applications.
NOTE: NO DIALTONE is valid only if Dial Tone Detect configuration option is enabled. BUSY appears if
Busy Detect configuration option is enabled.
The AT command for Disable is X0.
The AT commands for Enable are X1, X2, X3, or X4.
The AT command for Add/EC is X5.
The AT command for Add/V42,MNP is X6.
The AT command for Use DTE Rate is X7.
ResultCode Form: Words
Nxt Words Numbers (1) Numbers (2)
This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer Type is configured for AT.
Result Codes Format. Controls whether or not result codes appear as words or as numeric codes. Some
DTEs do not recognize Result Codes as words; therefore, numbers are required. The Numbers (2) format is
required for some modem pooling applications. (For a list of Result Codes, refer to Table 14-1 in
Chapter 14, AT Commands and S-Registers.)
The AT command for Numbers (1) is V0.
The AT command for Words format is V1.
The AT command for Numbers (2) is V2.