Mizco International, Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and
workmanship to the original purchaser for a period of One Year from the original purchase
date. Mizco’s responsibility with regard to this limited warranty shall be limited solely to the
repair or replacement, at it’s own option, of the ACD-100 which fails during normal use. This
warranty does not extend to damage or failure, which results from misuse, neglect, accident,
alteration, abuse, improper installation, or improper maintenance. To exercise this limited
warranty, send your name and address with proof of purchase and the UPC from the
package. Product sent for warranty must be mailed to the address below, freight prepaid.
Include $5.00 for return shipping and handling.
140 58
Building B, Unit 4G
Brooklyn, NY 11220
DIGIPOWER® Customer Support :
If at any time you need technical assistance using your DIGIPOWER product or
simply have comments regarding the product, please call the number below or e-mail us.
Telephone Support: (866) DG-POWER
Email Support: digipowersolutions@mizco.com
Fax Support: (718) 567-0630
You may e-mail or Fax your product registration to the above address or telephone number.
You may also register online at www.mizco.com
First Name _____________________ Last Name ________________________
Company (if purchased for company use) _________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
City ________________ State _________________ ZIP ________________
Item No. Purchased ____________________________________
Where did you purchase this item? ________________________
How did you hear about this item? ________________________