
Calibrating the Receiver
There are two different calibration methods: 1-point and 2-point. The 1-point calibration is performed
with the transmitter in the housing parallel to and 10 ft 5 in. (3.18 m) from the receiver, as described
below. A 2-point calibration is generally performed when the transmitter is below ground and it is not
possible to perform a 1-point calibration.
Calibration is necessary prior to first time use and when any of the following occur:
¾ The transmitter is changed.
¾ The receiver is changed.
¾ The housing/drill tool is changed.
Do not calibrate if:
¾ You are within 10 ft (3 m) of metal structures, such as steel pipe, chain link fence, metal siding, con-
struction equipment, or automobiles.
¾ The receiver is over rebar or underground utilities.
¾ The receiver is in the vicinity of excessive electrical interference (see “Electrical Interference/
Background Noise Check” in the Signal Interference Section).
¾ The transmitter is not installed into the housing.
¾ The transmitter is not turned on.
NOTE: Calibration should be checked at 10 ft 5 in. (3.18 m) daily and before every use. Calibra-
tion only affects the depth/distance reading, not pitch or roll.
1-Point Calibration Procedure
1. Confirm the lack of interference (see Electrical Interference/Background Noise” Check in the Signal
Interference Section). Make sure there are no other active transmitters within range of the receiver.
2. Place an operating transmitter inside the housing on level ground.
3. After the receiver has completed the start-up sequence, place it exactly 10 ft 5 in. (3.18 m) from the
housing as shown in the sketch (a tape measure must be used for accuracy; measure from centerline
of transmitter to inside edge of re-
ceiver). Hold in the trigger to con-
firm a stable signal, then release
the trigger; note signal strength
reading. The signal strength must
be at least
250 points for proper
calibration. If your reading is less
than 250, the transmitter may be
malfunctioning, and you should call
10 ft 5 in. (3.18 m)
Determining 1-Point Calibration Signal
Mark III Operator’s Manual 13