DES-3200-10/18/28/28F Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch User Manual
Upload Log File
The following window is used to upload log files from SIM member switches to a specified PC. To upload a log file,
enter the Server IP address of the SIM member switch and then enter a Path\Filename on your PC where you wish to
save this file. Click Upload to initiate the file transfer. To view this window click Configuration > Single IP
Management > Upload Log File
Figure 2 - 58. Upload Log File window
Gratuitous ARP
An ARP announcement (also known as Gratuitous ARP) is a packet (usually an ARP Request) containing a valid SHA
and SPA for the host which sent it, with TPA equal to SPA. Such a request is not intended to solicit a reply, but merely
updates the ARP caches of other hosts which receive the packet.
This is commonly done by many operating systems on startup, and helps to resolve problems which would otherwise
occur if, for example, a network card had recently been changed (changing the IP address to MAC address mapping)
and other hosts still had the old mapping in their ARP cache.
Gratuitous ARP Global Settings
To view this window, click Configuration > Gratuitous ARP > Gratuitous ARP Global Settings:
Figure 2 - 59. Gratuitous ARP Global Settings window
The following fields can be configured:
Parameter Description
Send On IP
Interface Status Up
This is used to enable or disable the sending of gratuitous ARP request packets while an IP
interface comes up. This is used to automatically announce the interface’s IP address to other
nodes. By default, the state is Enabled.
Send On Duplicate
IP Detected
This is used to enable or disable the sending of gratuitous ARP request packets while a
duplicate IP is detected. By default, the state is Enabled. Duplicate IP detected means that the
system received an ARP request packet that is sent by an IP address that matches the
system’s own IP address.
Gratuitous ARP
This is used to enable or disable updating ARP cache based on the received gratuitous ARP
packet. If a switch receives a gratuitous ARP packet, it should add or update the ARP entry.
This is Enabled by default.
Once you have made the desired gratuitous ARP setting changes, click Apply.