10/100 Fast Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Connecting the Switch
Parameters in this screen are described in the following table.
Field Description
TX Packet Count The number of packets that have been
transmitted successfully by the selected port.
Packets are from 64-1518 bytes, including the
RX Byte Count The size, in bytes, of all packets received and
forwarded successfully by the selected port.
RX Packet Count The number of packets that have been received
successfully on the selected port.
RX Broadcast
The number of broadcast packets that are
RX Multicast
The number of multicast packets that are
RX Reject Count The number of discarded packets that are
received on the selected port. These frames
are discarded at the receiving port because of
frame filtering.
RX Drop Event
The number of lost packets received on the
selected port. Lost packets result from the lack
of internal receive buffer space.
FCS Error Count The number of packets with cyclic redundancy
check (CRC) errors that are received on the
selected port.
Alignment Error
The number of alignment errors received on the
selected port. An alignment error occurs when
a received packet is not an integral number of
Under Size PKT The number of packets received that were well
formed but less than 64 bytes long.
Over Size PKT The number of packets received that were well
formed but greater than 1,518 bytes long.
Fragment PKT
The number of packets received that were less
than 64 bytes long and had either a CRC error
or an alignment error.