DES-3226 NWay Standalone Fast Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Figure 6-11. Remote Management Setup screen
The Switch needs to have an IP address assigned to it so that an In-Band network management system
(e.g. Telnet) client can find it on the network. The Remote Management Setup screen allows you to
change the settings for the two different management interfaces used on the Switch: the Ethernet
interface used for in-band communication, and the SLIP interface used over the console port for out-of-
band communication.
The fields listed under the Current Switch IP Settings heading are those currently being used by the
Switch. Those fields listed under the New Switch IP Settings heading are those that will be used after
the Switch has been rebooted.
Toggle the Get IP From field using the space bar to choose from Manual, BOOTP, or DCHP. This selects
how the Switch will be assigned an IP address on the next reboot (or startup).
The Get IP From options are:
• BOOTP – The Switch will send out a BOOTP broadcast request when it is powered up. The
BOOTP protocol allows IP addresses, network masks, and default gateways to be assigned by
a central BOOTP server. If this option is set, the Switch will first look for a BOOTP server to
provide it with this information before using the default or previously entered settings.
• DCHP – The Switch will send out a DCHP broadcast request when it is powered up. The
DCHP protocol allows IP addresses, network masks, and default gateways to be assigned by a
DCHP server. If this option is set, the switch will first look for a DCHP server to provide it
with this information before using the default or previously entered settings.
• Manual – Allows the entry of an IP address, Subnet Mask, and a Default Gateway for the
Switch. These fields should be of the form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where each xxx is a number
(represented in decimal form) between 0 and 255. This address should be a unique address
on the network assigned for use by the Network Administrator. The fields which require
entries under this option are as follows:
Subnet Mask – A Bitmask that determines the extent of the subnet that the Switch is on.
Should be of the form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where each xxx is a number (represented in
decimal) between 0 and 255. The value should be for a Class A network, for a Class B network, and for a Class C network, but custom
subnet masks are allowed.
Default Gateway – IP address that determines where packets with a destination address
outside the current subnet should be sent. This is usually the address of a router or a