
To reduce the risk of bodily injury, electrical shock, re, and damage to the equipment, observe the following precautions.
Observe and follow service markings. Do not service any product except as explained in your system documentation. Opening or removing covers
that are marked with the triangular symbol with a lightning bolt may expose you to an electrical shock. Only a trained service technician should
service components inside these compartments.
If any of the following conditions occur, unplug the product from the electrical outlet and replace the part or contact your trained service
The power cable, extension cable, or plug is damaged.
An object has fallen into the product.
The product has been exposed to water.
The product has been dropped or damaged.
The product does not operate correctly when you follow the operating instructions.
• Keepyoursystemawayfromradiatorsandheatsources.Also,donotblockcoolingvents.
• Donotspillfoodorliquidsonyoursystemcomponents,andneveroperatetheproductinawetenvironment.Ifthesystemgets
wet, see the appropriate section in your troubleshooting guide or contact your trained service provider.
• Allowtheproducttocoolbeforeremovingcoversortouchinginternalcomponents.
• Operatetheproductonlyfromthetypeofexternalpowersourceindicatedontheelectricalratingslabel.Ifyouarenotsureof
the type of power source required, consult your service provider or local power company.
Safety Instructions
Safety Cautions
Use the following safety guidelines to ensure your own personal safety and to help protect your system from potential damage.