xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
create account
Used to create user accounts.
create account [admin | user] <username 15>
This command is used to create user accounts that consist of a
username of 1 to 15 characters and a password of 0 to 15
characters. Up to eight user accounts can be created.
admin <username> – Name of the administrator account.
user <username> – Name of the user account.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Usernames can be between 1 and 15 characters.
Passwords can be between 0 and 15 characters.
Example usage:
To create an administrator-level user account with the username “dlink”.
DES-3200-28:4#create account admin dlink
Command: create account admin dlink
Enter a case-sensitive new password:****
Enter the new password again for confirmation:****
NOTICE: In the case of lost passwords or password corruption, please refer to
Appendix C Password Recovery Procedure, at the end of this manual which will
guide you through the steps necessary to resolve this issue.