
DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
config ethernet_oam ports [<portlist> | all ] [mode [active | passive] | state [enable | disable]
| link_monitor [error_symbol {threshold <range 0-4294967295> | window <millisecond 1000-
60000> | notify_state [enable | disable]}(1) | error_frame {threshold <range 0-4294967295> |
window <millisecond 1000-60000> | notify_state [enable | disable]}(1) |
error_frame_seconds {threshold <range 1-900> | window <millisecond 10000-900000> |
notify_state [enable | disable]}(1) | error_frame_period {threshold <range 0-4294967295> |
window <number 148810-100000000> | notify_state [enable | disable]}(1) ]|
critical_link_event [dying_gasp | critical_event] notify_state [enable | disable] |
remote_loopback [start | stop] | received_remote_loopback [process | ignore]]
<portlist> - Used to specify a range of ports to be configured.
all - Used to specify all ports are to be configured.
mode - Specify the operation mode. The default mode is active.
active - Specify to operate in active mode.
passive - Specify to operate in passive mode.
state - Specify the OAM function status.
enable - Specify to enable the OAM function.
disable - Specify to disable the OAM function.
link_monitor - Used to detect and indicate link faults under a variety of conditions.
error_symbol - Used to generate an error symbol period event to notify the remote OAM
threshold - Specify the number of symbol errors in the period that is required to be equal
to or greater than in order for the event to be generated. The default value of threshold
is 1 symbol error.
<range 0-4294967295> - Specify the range from 0 to 4294967295.
window - The range is 1000 to 60000 ms. The default value is 1000ms.
<millisecond 1000-60000> -The range is 1000 to 60000 ms.
notify_state - Specify the event notification status. The default state is enable.
enable -Specify to enable event notification.
disable -Specify to disable event notification.
error_frame - Specify the error frame.
threshold - Specify a threshold range.
<range 0-4294967295> - Specify a threshold range between 0 and 4294967295.
window - The range is 1000 to 60000 ms. The default value is 1000ms.
<millisecond 1000-60000> - The range is 1000 to 60000 ms.
notify_state - Specify the event notification status. The default state is enable.
enable - Specify to enable event notification.
disable - Specify to disable event notification.
error_frame_seconds - Specify error fram time.
threshold - Specify a threshold range between 1 and 900.
<range 1-900> -Specify a threshold range between 1 and 900.
window - The range is 1000 to 900000 ms.
<millisecond 10000-900000> - The range is 1000 to 900000 ms.
notify_state - Specify the event notification status. The default state is enable.
enable - Specify to enable event notification.
disable - Specify to disable event notification.
error_frame_period - Specify error frame period.
threshold - Specify a threshold range between 0 and 4294967295.
<range 0-4294967295> -Specify a threshold range between 0 and 4294967295.
window - The range is 148810 to 100000000 ms.
<number 148810-100000000> - The range is 148810 to 100000000 ms.
notify_state - Specify the event notification status. The default state is enable.
enable - Specify to enable event notification.
disable - Specify to disable event notification.