DES-3550 Fast Ethernet Layer 2 Switch
Access ID
Type in a unique identifier number for this access. This value can be set from 1 - 50.
Selected profile based on Ethernet (MAC Address), IP address or Packet Content Mask.
Ethernet instructs the Switch to examine the layer 2 part of each packet
IP instructs the Switch to examine the IP address in each frame's header.
Packet Content Mask instructs the Switch to examine the packet header.
Priority (0-7)
This parameter is specified if you want to re-write the 802.1p default priority previously
set in the Switch, which is used to determine the CoS queue to which packets are
forwarded to. Once this field is specified, packets accepted by the Switch that match this
priority are forwarded to the CoS queue specified previously by the user.
Replace Priority with − Click the corresponding box if you want to re-write the 802.1p
default priority of a packet to the value entered in the Priority (0-7) field, which meets
the criteria specified previously in this command, before forwarding it on to the specified
CoS queue. Otherwise, a packet will have its incoming 802.1p user priority re-written to
its original value before being forwarded by the Switch.
For more information on priority queues, CoS queues and mapping for 802.1p, see the
QoS section of this manual.
This field will instruct the Switch to mask the packet header beginning with the offset
value specified:
value (0-15) - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from the beginning
of the packet to the 16th byte.
value (16-31) - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 16 to
byte 31.
value (32-47) - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 32 to
byte 47.
value (48-63) - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 48 to
byte 63.
value (64-79) - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 16 to
byte 31.
To view the settings of a previously correctly configured rule, click in the Access Rule Table to view the following