
xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
The following fields can be viewed or set:
Parameter Description
Interface Name
This read-only field denotes the IP Interface Name to be edited for its C-BSR priority.
IP Address
Denotes the IP Address of the IP Interface Name to be edited for its C-BSR priority.
Priority (0-255) [-1
Used to state the Priority of this IP Interface to become the BSR. The user may select a
priority between -1 to 255. An entry of -1 states that the interface will be disabled to be the
Click Apply to set the priority for this IP Interface.
PIM Parameter Settings
The following window will configure the parameter settings for the PIM distribution tree. To view this window, click
Configuration > Layer 3 IP Networking > IP Multicast Routing Protocol > PIM Protocol > PIM Parameter Settings.
Figure 8- 74. PIM Parameter Settings window
The following fields can be viewed or set:
Parameter Description
Last Hop SPT
Threshold (0-256
This field is to be configured for the last hop router in the RP tree. When the amount of
multicast packets per second reaches the configured threshold, the last hop router will
change its distribution tree to a (Shortest Path Tree) SPT. The user may enter a value
between 0-256 packets per second. 0 will denote that the last hop router will immediately
enter the SPT once a multicast packet has been received. An entry of infinity will disable the
last hop router from entering the SPT. The default setting is 0.
RP SPT Threshold
This field is to be configured for the RP of the distribution tree. When the amount of register
packets per second reaches the configured threshold, it will trigger the RP to switch to an
SPT, between the RP and the first hop router. The user may enter a value between 0-256
packets per second. 0 will denote that the RP will immediately enter the SPT once a register
packet has been received. An entry of infinity will disable the RP from entering an SPT. The
default setting is 0.
Probe Time (0-255
This command is used to set a time to send a probe message from the DR to the RP before
the Register Suppression time expires. If a Register Stop message is received by the DR, the
Register Suppression Time will be restarted. If no Register Stop message is received within
the probe time, Register Packets will be resent to the RP. The user may configure a time
between 0-255 seconds with a default setting of 5 seconds.
Suppression Time
(0-255 sec.)
This field is to be configured for the first hop router from the source. After this router sends
out a Register message to the RP, and the RP replies with a Register stop message, it will
wait for the time configured here to send out another register message to the RP. The user
may set a time between 0-255 with a default setting of 60 seconds.
Click Apply to implement changes made.