
“Uplink” port. The “Uplink” port is only used when connecting your hub
to another hub or switch.
Diagnostics and Checking Communications
Included on the CD-ROM is a “DFE-690TXD PCMCIA Adapter Driver
Program.” It is a diagnostic program that will help you determine if any
faults exist in your DFE-690TXD Network Adapters or connection.
1. Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode. (Click “Start,then
“Shut Down,” and finally, select “Restart the computer in
MS-DOS mode.”)
2. Insert the CD-ROM that came with your DFE-690TXD Cardbus
PC Card into your CD-ROM drive. (e.g., D:\)
3. Type D:\DIAG.EXE at the MS-DOS prompt and press “Enter
to start the D-Link Diagnostic Program.
4. Read and follow the instructions on the screen (Press the F1 key
for additional help.)
5. “Adapter Basic Diagnostic” will determine if any problems exist
with DFE-690TXD.
6. “Network Diagnostic” will determine if problems exist with your
network or connections. To use “Network Diagnostic,” please
run program on both computers in MS-DOS Mode.
If you encounter any problems, please contact D-Link technical support.