D-Link DHS-3224V Switch User’s Guide
Configuring the Switch
The DHS-3224V Switch is configured using a console management interface. Any PC with a terminal emulator
program can be used to manage the Switch out-of-band via the RS-232 console port. You can use this facility to
perform many basic network management functions. In addition, the console program will allow you to set up
the Switch for management in-band on a TCP/IP network using an SNMP-based network management system or
Telnet. This chapter describes how to use the console interface to access the Switch, change its settings, and
monitor its operation. Included in this chapter are the following:
• Connecting to the Switch
• User Accounts Management
• Saving Changes
• Configuring the Switch
• Switch Utilities
• Network Monitoring
Connecting to the Switch
You can use the console interface by connecting to the Master Switch with a computer running an ordinary
terminal emulator program (or VT100-compatible terminal). The console interface is an RS-232 serial port
located on the front of the (Master) Switch. Your terminal parameters will need to be set to:
• VT-100/ANSI compatible
• 9,600 baud
• 8 data bits
• No parity
• One stop bit
• No flow control
Note: It may be convenient to configure the serial port settings as soon as you log in so
the session does not log out during initial setup. To change the log out setting of the
serial port, see the section Serial Port Settings in this chapter.
Console Usage Conventions
The console interface makes use of the following conventions:
1. Items in <angle brackets> can be toggled between several choices using the space bar.
2. Items in [square brackets]can be changed by typing in a new value. You can use the backspace and
delete keys to erase characters behind and in front of the cursor.
3. The up and down arrow keys, the left and right arrow keys, the tab key and the backspace key, can be
used to move between selected items.
4. Items in UPPERCASE are commands. Moving the selection to a command and pressing Enter will
execute that command; e.g. APPLY, etc.
Please note that the command APPLY only applies for the current session. Use Save Changes from the main
menu for permanent changes. The Save Changes function enters the current switch configuration into non-
volatile RAM, and then reboots the Switch.