
Type the IP Address of the printer, the name will appear in the Name field when the
printer is found. The Printer Browser will indicate that it is verifying the address. If
the printer is found, the Printer Browser will state “Valid and complete address”
under the Address field.
The printer utility is able to detect the printer and may automatically select the
correct printer driver in the Print Using field. Or manually select the printer-maker
from the Print Using drop-down menu, and then select the printer model from the
scroll-down list, or select Generic PostScrip Printer option from the Print Using
drop-down menu if the model is not listed. To implement the setting, click Add
The setup procedures for these three printing protocols (Internet Printing Protocol
(IPP), Line Printer Daemon (LPD), and HP Jet Direct – Socket) are basically the
same. Illustrated examples are include below for the sake of reference.