
xStack DGS/DXS-3300 Series Layer 3 Stackable Gigabit Ethernet Switch CLI Manual
ID MAC Address Platform / Hold Firmware Device Name
Capability Time Version
--- ----------------- ------------------------ ----- --------- ----------------
2 00-55-55-00-55-00 DXS-3350 L3 Switch 140 4.30-B08 Enrico
SIM Group Name : SIM2
ID MAC Address Platform / Hold Firmware Device Name
Capability Time Version
--- ----------------- ----------------------- ------ --------- ----------------
*1 00-01-02-03-04-00 DXS-3326 L3 Switch 40 4.30-B08 Neo
2 00-55-55-00-55-00 DXS-3326 L3 Switch 140 4.30-B08 default master
‘*’ means commander switch.
Example usage:
To view SIM neighbors:
DGS-3324SRi:4#show sim neighbor
Command: show sim neighbor
Neighbor Info Table
Port MAC Address Role
------ ------------------ ---------
23 00-35-26-00-11-99 Commander
23 00-35-26-00-11-91 Member
24 00-35-26-00-11-90 Candidate
Total Entries: 3
Purpose Used to connect to a member switch, through the commander switch
using telnet.
reconfig [member_id <value 1-32> | exit]
Description This command is used to reconnect to a member switch using telnet.
Parameters member_id <value 1-32> - Select the ID number of the member
switch to configure.
exit – This command is used to exit from managing the member
switch and will return to managing the commander switch.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To connect to the MS, with member id 2, through the CS, using the command line interface: