If the system detects a problem it will disable the
Autostick mode and the transaxle will return to the
automatic mode until the problem is corrected.
Your vehicle is designed to meet all emis-
sion regulations and provide excellent fuel
economy when using high quality regular
unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of
87. The use of premium gasoline is not
recommended. The use of premium gaso-
line will provide no benefit over high quality regular
gasolines, and in some circumstances, may result in
poorer performance.
Light spark knock at low engine speeds is not harmful to
your engine. However, continued heavy spark knock at
high speeds can cause damage and should be reported to
your dealer immediately. Engine damage resulting from
operating with a heavy spark knock may not be covered
by the new vehicle warranty.
Poor quality gasoline can cause problems such as hard
starting, stalling and stumble. If you experience these
problems, try another brand of regular gasoline before
considering service for the vehicle.
Reformulated Gasoline
Many areas of the country require the use of cleaner
burning fuel referred to as “Reformulated Gasoline”.
Reformulated gasolines contain oxygenates, and are spe-
cially blended to reduce vehicle emissions and improve
air quality.
The manufacturer supports the use of reformulated gaso-
lines. Properly blended reformulated gasolines will pro-
vide excellent performance and durability of engine and
fuel system components.
Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends
Some fuel suppliers blend unleaded gasoline with mate-
rials called oxygenates such as 10% ethanol, MTBE and
ETBE. Oxygenates are required in some areas of the
country during the winter months to reduce carbon
monoxide emissions. Fuels blended with these oxygen-
ates may be used in your vehicle.