Always wait for the beep before speaking.
Speak normally, without pausing, just as you would
speak to a person sitting approximately eight (8) feet
away from you.
Make sure that no one other than you is speaking
during a voice recognition period.
Performance is maximized under:
low-to-medium blower setting,
low-to-medium vehicle speed,
low road noise,
smooth road surface,
fully closed windows,
dry weather condition.
Even though the system is designed for users speaking
in North American English, French, and Spanish ac-
cents, the system may not always work for some.
When navigating through an automated system, such
as voice mail, or when sending a page, at the end of
speaking the digit string, make sure to say ЉSend.Љ
Storing names in phone book when vehicle is not in
motion is recommended.
It is not recommended to store similar sounding
names in the UConnect phone book.
UConnect phone book nametag recognition rate is
optimized for the person who stored the name in the
phone book.
You can say ЉOЉ (letter ЉOЉ) for Љ0Љ (zero). Љ800Љ must be
spoken Љeight-zero-zero.Љ