sary connections and plug the power cord of the pro jec tor into the receptacle
provided in the electrical chas sis. Power to the Revelation should be turned
off any time electrical connections or mechanical ad just ments are made
to the Revelation! Cycle the mir rored door down to the low ered position. You
are now ready to move on to ad just ing the image to the screen.
Adjusting Image
First, use your pro jec tor’s op er at ing manual to establish proper ori en ta tion of
the image and adjust the lens position to achieve the desired image width and
Next, use the Revelation's adjustments to adjust the height of the image on
the screen.
The Revelation has two adjustments:
➀ Always start by sliding the inner pan which holds the projector either back-
ward or forward depending on desired location of image. Sliding the inner
pan towards the projection screen will change where the image strikes the
mirror on the door, and lower the pro ject ed image. Inner pan has a travel
range of ap prox i mate ly 8".
➁ Opening the mirrored door even further into the room will lower the
projected image. The limit switch is factory set to let the door open into
the room at a 45° angle. The door can open approximately 10° further by
changing the limit switch’s position.
Adjust the door only if your projector is equipped with keystone cor rec tion or a
certain amount of keystoning can be tolerated.
To adjust the limit switch of the door:
TOOLS: screwdriver/Allen wrench (
"); electronic level or protractor or other
tool to measure angles.
Turn the unit on and open the door to its factory set position. Record the angle
Caution: Any adjustments to the limit switches should be done with the
power to the Revelation turned off!
Locate the two limit switch brackets at the edge of the top mirror on the motor
side of the pan. The top bracket controls the down ward travel limit of the door
and adjustments are made to this bracket. Note and mark current location of
limit switch bracket. The bottom limit switch bracket is set at the factory for
proper closure alignment and should not need adjusting.
Use a
" Allen wrench to loosen the two screws on the limit switch bracket
and slide the bracket toward the electrical chassis. A slight adjustment to the
limit switch bracket will result in a signifi cant move ment of the door. It is rec-
ommended that the limit switch be adjusted in small incremental moves of
Tighten the screws. Keeping hands and tools clear of the limit switch, connect
the power. The door should open further. Record the new angle and check the
position of the image on the screen.
If the position of the image on the screen is satisfactory, close the door and
make sure the screws are completely tight.
If the position of the image needs adjusting, leave the door open, dis con nect
the power, loosen the screws and slide the bracket toward the motor to open
the door more, or slide the bracket closer to its original position.
Check alignment of image and repeat adjustment procedure as nec es -
sary. After all adjustments are completed, be sure to tighten all loos ened
screws to inner pan and limit switch bracket!
Securing Projector
Once all adjustments to the projector and Revelation are made, the pro jec tor
220 V Revelation by DRAPER Page 2 of 8
➃ Bottom of unit must be unobstructed after installation. 432mm minimum
clearance is required below the door.
➄ Access should be provided to electrical control box in case service is
➅ Do not use unit to support adjacent light fi xtures, etc.
➆ Do not complete the ceiling below unit until electrical connections have
been completed and unit has been operated successfully.
➇ We recommend that safety cables be attached to the Revelation for
added security (a sound in stal la tion practice with overhead equip ment).
Electrical Connections
Unit operates on 220 V a.c., 60 Hz. current.
Opening the access cover on the electrical control box exposes ter mi nals
for fi eld con nec tions. Unit is shipped with internal wiring complete. Wire for
con nect ing unit to switch(es) and to power supply should be fur nished by
elec tri cian. Con nec tions should be made in accordance with wiring diagram
on page 5, and wiring should com ply with national and local elec tri cal codes.
All op er at ing switch es should be “off” before power is connected.
When unit is fi rst operated, be cautious! If door does not begin to open
momentarily when switch is fl ipped “down”, return switch to “off” and free door
and/or recheck electrical con nec tions before pro ceed ing. Cycle door down
and up several times to confi rm sat is fac to ry operation.
Single Station Control (CE Approved)—Moving 3-position switch to “down”
position will start door down. Moving switch to “up” will start door up. When
door is fully down or fully up, it will au to mat i cal ly be stopped by factory set
limit switch es. When ev er switch is placed in center “off” position, op er a tion will
Multiple Station Control—Each switching station has a three-button switch
with “up”, “down”, and “off” buttons. Door starts up or down when ap pro pri ate
button is pressed, and may be stopped by pressing “off” button. Factory set
limit switches stop door automatically when door is fully up or fully down.
Key Operated Switch—If ordered, a single station, key-operated three posi-
tion (up/off/down) switch is available for this unit.
Video Interface Control (VIC12, VIC12 Modifi ed)—This optional control
device allows the Revelation switch to control the operation of a Draper
mo tor ized pro jec tion screen via relay.
Infrared or Radio Frequency Remote Control (CE Approved)—A three-but-
ton trans mit ter is provided, with “up”, “down”, and “stop” buttons. Door starts
up or down when appropriate button is pressed, and may be stopped by
pressing “off” button. Factory set limit switches stop door automatically when
door is fully up or fully down.
Installing Projector
The Revelation has a grounded 220 V a.c., 60Hz outlet for pro jec tor power
sup ply. Power is supplied to this outlet at all times.
Holes are provided for power and control wiring.
Install a projector with the capability to invert its image.
Place the projector into the sliding inner pan so that the center of the projector
lens is aligned L to R with the center of the upper mirror. Position the projector
lens as close as possible to the upper mirror without the refl ected light path
striking any part of the projector. An extension plate is provided if the feet
of your projector rest inside the opening of the inner pan. The extension
is de signed to support the front legs of your projector and the folded up edge
can be used as a stop to help re po si tion the projector when re moved. Adhere
the ex ten sion plate only after you have adjusted the image and marked the
position of the plate.
Establish exact place ment through trial and error using the various ad just -
ments integrated through out the design of the Revelation. The upper mirror
can be moved up one inch to ac com mo date taller pro jec tors. Make the neces-
Please Note
If Glass Shield is provided, see separate in struc tions (provided
with Glass Shield).
(765) 987-799