Vigor2700Ge/e User’s Guide
Call Filter Check Enable to activate the Call Filter function. Assign a start filter
set for the Call Filter.
Data Filter Check Enable to activate the Data Filter function. Assign a start filter
set for the Data Filter.
Log Flag For troubleshooting needs you can specify the filter log here.
None - The log function is not activated.
Block - All blocked packets will be logged.
Pass - All passed packets will be logged.
No Match - The log function will record all packets that are not
Note that the filter log will be displayed on the Telnet terminal when
you type the log -f command.
Some on-line games (for example: Half Life) will use lots of fragmented UDP packets to
transfer game data. Instinctively as a secure firewall, Vigor router will reject these fragmented
packets to prevent attack unless you enable “Accept Incoming Fragmented UDP Packets”. By
checking this box, you can play these kinds of on-line games. If security concern is in higher
priority, you cannot enable “Accept Incoming Fragmented UDP Packets”.