
field of Pre-Shared Key (PSK). WPA encrypts each frame transmitted from the
radio using the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) which entered from this panel.
4. As to WEP encryption, select 64-bit or 128-bit as the encryption mode. For 64bits
WEP key, type in 5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal digitals leading by 0x, for
example, ABCDE or 0x4142434445. And for 128bits WEP key, type in 13 ASCII
characters or 26 hexadecimal digits leading by 0x, for example, ABCDEFGHIJKLM
or 0x4142434445464748494A4B4C4D. Only one WEP key can be selected and
allows user to type in the characters.
5. Click OK to save settings.
Be aware that for the communication, all wireless devices must support the same
encryption bit length and share the same key. If WEP mode is selected, only one of four
preset keys can be selected at one time.