Vigor2750 Series User’s Guide
Model Name Display the model name of the router.
Firmware Version Display the firmware version of the router.
Build Date/Time Display the date and time of the current firmware build.
System Date Display current time and date for the system server.
System Uptime Display the connection time for the system server.
CPU Usage Display the percentage of the CPU usage of your system.
Memory Usage Display the size of the memory usage and the percentage.
MAC Address Display the MAC address of the LAN Interface.
IP Address Display the IP address of the LAN interface.
IP Mask Display the subnet mask address of the LAN interface.
IPv6 Address (Global) Display the global IPv6 address of the LAN interface.
IPv6 Address (Link) Display the link local IPv6 address of the LAN interface.
DHCP Server Display if the DHCP server is active or not.
Connection Mode Display current connection type used.
Link Status Display the connection status.
MAC Address Display the MAC address of the WAN Interface.
IP Address Display the IP address of the WAN interface.
IP Mask Display the subnet mask address of the WAN interface.
IPv6 Address (Link) Display the IPv6 address of the WAN interface.
Default Gateway Display the gateway address of the WAN interface.