Document #98219100 3 - 7
Basic Kit:
A: DynoWare EX+ Modules
B: Air Brake Pressure Regulator
C: Air Brake Control Valve (Replaced by N
with Proportional Air brake systems)
D: DynoWare EX+ Power Supply and Cord
E: Wall Mount for DynoWare EX+
F: DynoWare Cable
G: Dynamometer Control Pendant
H: Serial Port Cable
I: Primary Inductive Cable
J1&2: Secondary Inductive Cables
K: Mounting Hardware
L: Pickup Card
Optional Proportional Air Brake Systems:
(M) Booster Valve Assembly (Replaces C)
(N) Electronic Pressure Regulator (EPR)
(O) DIN Rail (for mounting the EPR)
(P) Temperature Sensor
(Q) Temperature Sensor Bracket
(R) Four
" Button Head Allen Bolts
In addition to the parts listed above there is an
EPR cable.
This section is laid out to aid the operator
with the installation of Standard Air or
Proportional Air braking systems. Steps
with “Standard Air“ in front of them are to
be followed solely by operators that are
installing the Standard Air Brake system.
Steps with “Proportional Air“ in front of
them are to be followed solely by
operators that are installing the Optional
Proportional Air Brake system. Steps
without any designation are to be
followed by both.