Communications Port Configuration
Now that you have the devices connected, use the Com Port command
in the System Setup Menu to make them communicate. This command
opens a menu that allows you to configure the communications port.
Menus for changing Com Port settings.
If you need additional assistance in configuring the unit to communicate
with another device, consult the factory; customer service phone numbers
are in the back of the unit's manual. To set Com Port Configuration:
1. Press
2. Press ↓ to
A menu appears with a drop-down Baud Rate selection box highlighted.
The menu also contains an on/off checkbox to activate NMEA Output,
and a button that activates the Configure NMEA command (described
in the following section).
To set Baud Rate:
With the Baud Rate box selected (the title bar should be highlighted in
black, as in the middle figure above), press
ENT. A drop-down list
appears, showing available baud rates. Select the one that matches the
baud rate on your VHF radio, and then press