Selecting Any Map Item With the Cursor
1. Use the zoom keys and the arrow keys to move around the map an
find the item you wish to select.
2. Use the arrow keys and center the cursor crosshairs on the desired ob-
ect. On most items, a pop-up box will give the name of the selected item.
Set a Waypoint
waypoint is an electronic address, based on the latitude and longi-
tude of a position on the earth. A waypoint represents a location, spot
or destination that can be stored in memory, then recalled later fo
navigation purposes.
ou can create a waypoint at the cursor position on the map or at you
current position while you are navigating. You can create a waypoint at
any location by manually entering the position's latitude and longitude.
To create and save a Waypoint:
These first two techniques use the Quick Save method, the fastest an
easiest way to create a waypoint.
Create Waypoint at Current Position
While you are traveling, press WPT|WPT. The waypoint is saved an
automatically given a name with a sequential number, such as "way-
point 003." The waypoint symbol and number appear on the map.