VIII-B. Instructions for Ordering Spare
Repair orders will be handled with the minimum of delay if the
following directions are followed:
1. Give model number, size of pump, and serial number. These
can be obtained from the nameplate on the pump.
2. Write plainly the name, part number, and material of each
part required. These names and numbers should agree with
those on the sectional drawing in Section VI.
3. Give the number (quantity) of parts required.
4. Give complete shipping instructions.
VIII-A. Spare Parts
To insure against possible long and costly downtime periods,
especially on critical services, it is advisable to have spare parts
on hand.
1. For critical services: It is recommended that a “back pull–out
assembly” be kept on hand. This is a group of assembled parts
which includes all parts except the casing and the coupling.
If this unit is equipped with stuffing box packing, one set of
stuffing box packing (item 106) should be on hand.
2. An alternative, though not as desirable as that stated above,
can be used on non–critical services. This involves having on
hand parts that are most likely to wear and can be used as
needed. See Section VI, Parts List, for these recommended