Set Man Overboard (MOB) Waypoint
One of boating's most terrifying events is having a friend or family
member fall overboard. This unit has a man overboard feature that
shows navigation data to the location where the feature was activated.
To activate it, press the
ZOUT and ZIN keys at the same time. Your posi-
tion at the time these keys are pressed the man overboard position.
Saving a new Man Overboard waypoint will overwrite and erase
the previous Man Overboard waypoint.
Navigate Back to MOB Waypoint
Find your way back to the accident position with the Navigation Page
or Map Page. When MOB is activated, the Navigation Page automati-
cally shows the compass rose with its bearing arrow pointing toward
the man overboard position, and the destination name says Going To
Man Overboard. The Map Page displays a Man Overboard waypoint,
represented by a human figure, and the steering arrow points where to
steer to reach that position.
Navigating to Man Overboard: Man Overboard activated message
(left). The Navigation Page is shown (center). Going to Man Overboard
position on Map Page (right).
The man overboard position is also stored in the waypoint list for future
reference. It can be edited the same as any other waypoint. This pre-
vents the inadvertent loss of the current Man Overboard position.
To cancel navigation to MOB, press
|ENT|← to YES|ENT. The unit stops showing navigation information.
Navigate to Cursor Position on Map
The GO TO CURSOR command navigates to the current cursor position on
the map. It is a quick way to navigate to anything you can see on the
map display.