The paint drips Paint too diluted Add undiluted material
on item Paint volume Reduce the paint flow
being painted too high by turning Fluid Adjusting Screw
Moving too slowly Increase speed of application
Spray gun trigger being Release trigger earlier
held for too long
Spray gun too close Increase the distance between
gun and workpiece
Paint is thin or Paint too diluted Add undiluted material
irregular Paint volume Increase the paint flow by turning
too low Fluid Adjusting Screw
Moving too fast Reduce speed of application
Spray gun clogged Clean the gun
Spray gun too far away Reduce the distance between
gun and work piece
No spray pattern Paint too thick Add thinner
being produced Gun clogged Clean the spray gun
Pick up pipe clogged Clean Paint Feed Tube
Air hose split Replace air hose
Gritty paint Filter the paint
Container almost Refill container
Spray gun at an angle Ensure Paint Feed Tube
is angled towards paint
Air intake Check the condition of
blocked the Filter and clean as neccessary
Unit will not Circuit breaker tripped Check the back of the unit. If the circuit
start (HV7000 unit) breaker has tripped, a white push button
indicator will appear. Push in to reset.
If this does not cure the problem, please
refer to your nearest service agent.
House circuit breaker Check and reset if required.
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