14 – CLA37
Usually, your EAW Commercial loudspeaker will not require regular maintenance for
normal use. However, you can do several things to keep your loudspeaker in good operating
and cosmetic condition.
• Testing: Periodically test your loudspeaker for proper performance. A simple test is
to play a CD through it using well-dened, articulate, wide-range program material.
Listen to ensure all drivers are working properly and for any evidence of distortion or
other extraneous sounds. Test at several volume levels: very low, normal, and high.
• Mounting/Rigging: Any mounting or rigging hardware should be regularly inspected
for security, wear, deformation, corrosion, and any other circumstances that may
affect the load-handling capability. Immediately remove from service and replace any
hardware whose load-handling capability may be compromised.
• Cleaning: Cleaning the exterior of the enclosure will depend on the type of “dirt.”
Dust, food spills, or similar contaminants can usually be removed with a cloth
dampened with water, or a mild household cleaner. Avoid using any strong solvents
as this may damage the nish. Turn the ampliers off before cleaning.
• Scratches or Dents in Wood Enclosures: Minor scratches on the enclosure can be
painted over with an outdoor latex paint, or simply a colored in with a “Sharpie” or
artist’s marking pen. More serious gouges or dents should be sanded out, lled with
wood putty, and repainted. Touch-up paint in pints and quarts is available through
EAW Commercial Technical Support.
If your loudspeaker should require servicing, please follow these instructions:
1. Call EAW Commercial Tech Support at 1-888-337-7404, 7 am to 5 pm PST
(Monday-Friday), to verify the problem and obtain a Service Request Number. Be sure
to have the serial number of the unit when you call. You must have a Service Request
Number in order to obtain warranty service at the factory or at an authorized service
center. You can also email EAW Commercial Tech Support at:
2. Pack the unit in its original packaging. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. LOUD Technologies
is not responsible for any damage that occurs during shipping due to non-
conventional packaging. Original packaging helps to minimize the possibility of
shipping damage.
3. Include a legible note stating your name, (no P.O. boxes), daytime phone number,
Service Request Number, and a detailed description of the problem, including how
we can duplicate it.
4. Write the Service Request Number in BIG BOLD PRINT on top of the box.