Flexible in application and robust, RFID
write/read systems provide for quick
and reliable identification of objects at
various distances.
Primarily developed for application in
production, commerce and logistics, the
user memory has up to 2kb, depending
on the type of transponder, which allows
for the recording of information relating
to the product to be stored without
having to be connected to an external
Wherever the mobile storage of data is required,
e.g. for object identification, service or storage
management, the RFID module is the ideal
• Integration into already existing
systems is possible.
• relatively wide reading-range
• anti-collision, logging by more
than one transponder in the field
• software updates possible
Basics of RFID technology
Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID)
comprises wireless data transfer on the
physical basis of electro-magnetic alter-
nating fields. A RFID system consists of a
transponder and a mobile or stationary
write/read unit with antenna.
Transponders feature a micro chip and a
coil/antenna in different casings (plastics,
glass, coins, key holders, smart label) and
work within different frequency ranges.
With regard to power supply transpon-
ders are distinguished as:
• active
(with battery for own power supply)
• passive
(power supply for data transfer
inductive from write/read unit)
Technical data: RF x10 -Ex (13.56 MHz)
Operation frequency: 13.56 MHz
Write/Read range: up to 80 mm (3.14”), depending on transponder
type and environment
Speed of data transmissioin: about 26 kB/sec.
Writing transponder: < 50 ms per block
Reading transponder: < 50 ms per block
Transponder types: ISO 15693, Tag-It, I-CODE,
EM, SLI, HFI, LRI and Infineon
Technical data: RF x11 -Ex (125 KHz)
Operation frequency: 125 KHz (134 KHz on request)
Write/Read range:
up to 80 mm, (3.14”) depending on transponder
Transponder types: UNIQUE, HITAG-1, HITAG-S, TIRIS,
EM 4X25, EM 4X70, Q5 (other types on request)
Special features: Software loader for firmware update provides
highest flexibility for customer applications
During field operation
while inspecting system parts.