15Everest with Captain Seat Owner's Manual GF0600050RevE06, August 2006
e Everest with Captain Seat offers several adjustments to make it easier and more comfortable to drive.
Adjustments are divided by component: Arm, Back, Headrest, Seat, Cowl, Front Rigging.
Section VIII, MAINTENANCE, offers preventive maintenance suggestions for keeping your wheelchair
in excellent condition; ensure that all components are in excellent condition before adjusting. e fol-
lowing are recommended methods; after a few adjustments, you may develop your own. Always consult
your qualified Graham-Field Health Products dealer for assistance.
e person performing adjustments on the Everest with Captain Seat has the responsibility of making
certain that the user can safely operate the wheelchair with the adjustments selected. is person must
evaluate the user's ability, weight, physical condition, the environment in which the wheelchair will be
used, and the terrain over which the wheelchair will travel.
Specific tools needed to perform each adjustment are identified in adjustment sections. A complete list of
tools needed to perform all adjustments in Section VI follows:
Cable ties
M13 wrench
M10 wrench
M8 wrench
M5 hex key
M4 hex key
WARNING: Ensure that the wheelchair power switch is in the OFF position before per-
forming adjustments.
Adjust hand control extension backward & forward
Tools needed: M4 hex key
e hand control can be moved forward and backward along arm:
1. Use M4 hex key to loosen—not remove—set
screw shown in picture at right.
2. Slide extension within arm extension tube to
preferred position.
3. Use M4 hex key to tighten set screw.
WARNING: Ensure that hand control
extension is locked in place
before occupying or operat-
ing wheelchair.
set screw
extension tube
hand control
adjust hand control extension
backward / forward