2 GF0700001RevA07, January 2007 Everest Lite Assembly Instructions
Everest & Jennings, GF, and Graham-Field are registered trademarks, and Everest is a trademark, of GF Health Products, Inc.
©GF Health Products, Inc. • 2935 Northeast Parkway • Atlanta, GA 30360 • tel 800-347-5678 • fax 800-726-0601 • www.grahameld.com
4. Connect the hand control connector to the cowl connector, as
shown at right.
WARNING: Ensure that the hand control extension is locked in place, and that all cables
are away from moving parts of the wheelchair, before occupying or operating
the Everest Lite.
WARNING: Ensure that the Everest Lite is assembled as described before operation, with
all warning labels and literature attached. Please refer to the owner's manual
that accompanies the Everest Lite for all operation and adjustment instruc-