Proper Storage
The cooling fans ensure an even tem-
perature distribution in the fridge.
Foods with different perishability can
therefore be arranged on the shelves as
you like, without having to take into
account the different temperature
zones which usually occur. The temper-
ature on the shelf above the fruit and
vegetable drawer is somewhat higher
than the fridge temperature set. The
example arrangement opposite shows
possible ways of storing food.
Important! Do not place foods too
closely in front of the vents at the rear
of the appliance as the foods might
In order to check the temperature in
the refrigerator compartment you can
carry out the following test yourself:
0 1. Place a cup of water in the centre of the said shelf with a thermometer
2. Leave the fridge door closed overnight and check the temperature first
thing in the morning.
3. At this point the temperature should read no more than 5 °C; if it does,
you need to adjust the temperature control knob to a colder setting.
For further information on keeping food cool and safe a guide
published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is available
and can be obtained free of charge by contacting:
Foodsense, London SE99 7TT. Tel: 0645 556000
Tip: Food stored in the refrigerator compartment should always be
covered or packed so that they do not dry out, lose their flavour, or
transfer their flavour to any other refrigerated food.
The following are suitable for packing:
– polyethylene bags;
– plastic containers with lids;
– special plastic covers with rubber retainers;
– aluminium foil.