Your refrigerator is provided with a Frost Free refrigation system
to prevent ice formation. It makes cleaning and maintenance
easier and refrigerator does not need to be defrosted.
The circulation and distribution of cold air fron the Frost Free
system on the inside of the appliance, improve the freezeng of
foods in the freezer compartment and make for faster
homogeneous cooling in the refrigerator compartment preserving
the nutritional properties os foods.
To Turn it On or Off
To turn your Refrigerator on, just connect it in the electric current
and regulate thermostat to desired position.
To turn it off, adjust temperature control to OFF position and
remove plug from outlet.
Follow this procedure every time you need to disconnect your
Refrigerator for prolonged absences, such as long trips.
Any time your Refrigerator is turned off, wait 10 minutes
before turning it on again.
Loading and Supply
When using appliance for the first time or right after cleaning it:
1. Connect plug to the outlet and regulate temperature on MAX
2. Wait for two consecutive hours, to stabilize its internal
temperature, before storing any food inside of it.
3. First fill internal shelves, leaving door compartment for last.
Observe loading limits as indicated below.
4. If food is not cold, load Refrigerator gradually, allowing one
hour between each loading.
5. Regulate thermostat up to the best position, following
instructions on Item "How to Regulate Temperature".
Tapa del Compartimiento de Fast Freezing
Presione la tapa curvándola en el sentido externo (para frente)
hasta soltarla de los encajes laterales de la caja interna del
freezer. Para colocarla nuevamente, haga la operación inversa.
Cajón Multiuso
El cajón multiuso y el soporte son removíbles y deslisan en el
anaquel plástico lo que permite que se ajusten a las
necesidades. Para que este conjunto cajón soporte deslicen,
lleve uno de los conjuntos para otro cajón plástico.
Anaquel para Lacteos
Para limpieza del compartimiento, retire antes la tapa basculante
localizada encima del anaquel. Para eso, abra la tapa hasta la
mitad y agarre segura firmemente con una de las manos; con
la otra presione la extremidad próxima al pino (A) que prende la
tapa hasta liberarla. Suelte el otro pino y remueva la tapa.
Dispenser Portalatas:
1. Remueva los estantes multiuso y el portalácteos.
2. Presione las dos trabas ubicadas en el interior del dispenser
3. Deslícelo para la izquierda.
Para armarlo siga los pasos inversos.