12 electrolux
If you would like to changeIf you would like to change
If you would like to changeIf you would like to change
If you would like to change
one of these base settings atone of these base settings at
one of these base settings atone of these base settings at
one of these base settings at
a later date, please refer to thea later date, please refer to the
a later date, please refer to thea later date, please refer to the
a later date, please refer to the
chapter Basic Settings.chapter Basic Settings.
chapter Basic Settings.chapter Basic Settings.
chapter Basic Settings.
Setting the language
1. When the appliance has been
connected to the electrical supply,
the following is shown in the display.
– the company logo
– the version of the software and the
period of operation
– the message ”Language”
2. Using or , select the desired
3. Confirm selected language with .
From now on the texts in the
display appear in the language set.
Setting contrast and brightness
After you have set theAfter you have set the
After you have set theAfter you have set the
After you have set the
language, the messages “Setlanguage, the messages “Set
language, the messages “Setlanguage, the messages “Set
language, the messages “Set
contrast” and “Setcontrast” and “Set
contrast” and “Setcontrast” and “Set
contrast” and “Set
brightness” are displayed.brightness” are displayed.
brightness” are displayed.brightness” are displayed.
brightness” are displayed.
The contrast and theThe contrast and the
The contrast and theThe contrast and the
The contrast and the
brightness are set accordingbrightness are set according
brightness are set accordingbrightness are set according
brightness are set according
to the language set (seeto the language set (see
to the language set (seeto the language set (see
to the language set (see
section “Setting language”).section “Setting language”).
section “Setting language”).section “Setting language”).
section “Setting language”).
Setting the clock
After you have set the contrast and
the brightness, the message ”Set Time
of Day” is displayed.
4. Using or set the hour of the
current time.
5. Confirm with .
6. Using or set the minutes of the
current time.
7. Confirm with .
The appliance is now ready to use.
Before the First Use of the Oven