The main electrical fuse or Replace the fuse.
the fuse in the plug has
The door is not properly Close the door; the click
closed (E40). of the lock should be heard.
The plug is not connected. Insert the plug.
The START button has not Press the button.
been pressed.
The DELAYED START Check the selected delay on
option has been selected. the display.
Something not working?
The machine does not
empty and/or does not spin
Possible cause
The drain hose is Check the whole length of
squashed or kinked (E20). the hose and remove the
The drain pump or the Clean the pump or check
drain hose are clogged (E20). the hose.
The RINSE HOLD option Empty out the water by
(stop with water in drum) selecting the DRAIN or
has been selected. SPIN programme.
The laundry is not evenly Redistribute the laundry
distributed inside the drum. manually in the drum.
The machine does not fill
The water tap is closed (E10). Open the water tap.
The water inlet hose is Check the whole length of the
squashed or kinked (E10). hose and remove the kink.
The small filter of the water Clean the filter.
inlet hose is clogged (E10).
The door is not properly Close the door.
closed (E40).
The machine fills then
empties immediately
The end of the drain hose Place the hose at the right
is too low. height (see Installation
The machine does not work
132984060.qxd 17/06/2005 15:58 Pagina 39