General Information
General Information
• Starched washing leaves traces of starch on the drum and therefore
should not be placed in the tumble drier.
• If you exceed the maximum load stipulated in the program table your
washing is more likely to get creased! For very delicate fabrics you
should only fill in 1.5kg washing at the most.
• When using so-called "fabric conditioner sheets", a deposit on the
fluff filter may result, which can cause a blockage. We therefore rec-
ommend not using fabric conditioner sheets.
• For your information: 70 per cent of fabric wear is caused by being
worn, 20 per cent by washing and only 10 per cent by being dried in
a tumble drier. As the fabric is worn down, fluff gathers in the fluff
filter. When using a tumble drier, only approx. 0.03g fluff per kilo-
gramme washing is produced.